Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road – Dilema Si Algojo Manis

 World travelers who were brought in from other worlds often brought disaster when their powers spiraled out of control. Therefore, a team of executioners has long been formed to hunt down world travelers. This is the story of Menou who tries to kill Akari the world traveler who can't be finished by ordinary means.

The story opens with a teenage boy who is thrown out of the castle. This teenager from another world was quickly discovered by Menou. Because they are friendly and explain things in the new world, the teenager is easy to believe. Menou even got information that another girl had also been brought in. When the teenager was caught off guard, Menou quickly finished him off. Now Menou turned to a new target.

Menou needs more information. Luckily he has an assistant, Momo. Thanks to this additional information from the pink-haired girl, she managed to infiltrate the castle and meet Akari. The black-haired girl from another world. Menou had already tried to kill Akari while luring him into a deserted alley. But Akari's power to control time makes it impossible to kill. Akari activated her powers automatically. He has no memory of being stabbed.

Menou changed strategy. Now he took Akari to the old church where he had been hiding. Based on the instructions from his superiors, Menou needed to bring Akari to the old capital. They would perform a ritual that ensured world-travers could be killed without activating their powers. Now begins Menou's journey with Akari to the old capital. Of course, their journey will be faced with various problems. Can Menou finish off Akari before it's too late?

In the Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road series, trying to kill Akari isn't the most interesting thing. Precisely the background story of the world where there has been a great disaster due to the power of world travelers. This series calls them the Four Human Errors.

Sword Salt crushed one continent into salt. Starhusk caused a continent to float in space. The Machine Society makes anything touched with its power into a machine. Pandemonium resulted in an island being overrun by monsters.

All of this happened 1,000 years before the story of Akari and Menou began. Since then the Faust church has formed an execution division tasked with eliminating world travelers before their power spirals out of control. Akari is also worried about becoming the latest Human Error because now she is back to life using the power of time. Every time a world traveler used his power, they would slowly but surely lose control.

The audience is also shown a glimpse of Menou's past. As a child, this girl was found in a salty white spot. Similar to the Sword Salt incident but on a small scale. The village was destroyed. Whether due to trauma or the power of world-travers, he had lost almost all of his memories and identity. Menou was picked up by Flare, a famous executor. The series of stories from Menou's past and Human Error really piqued the curiosity.

From the beginning, it was promoted from visuals to PV videos, the story of Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road will focus on Akari and Menou. So it's funny that when the first episode there was already an angry audience because the teenage boy died at the hands of Menou. Obviously this type of audience has never read the news announcements or the anime PVs . The story also smells like yuri or more fittingly called shoujo ai. Akari often tries to spoil Menou.

The animation of this series was produced by JC Staff. It's not as good as the Index series, but the visual quality and movement of the characters are still above average. They are also able to adapt character designs from LN into anime media. Not many significant changes from the LN version. For invocation or magic spells in the anime they seem to have difficulty adapting. Because in LN the mantra is pronounced like a fairly long verse. Therefore, it is adapted in the form of writing effects that appear at a glance.

For background audio, some of the soundFX mixing is not optimal. There are some explosion scenes where the audio sounds bad and annoying. Meanwhile, the background music arrangement is good. Many scenes where the music feels right to the atmosphere.

If you like adventure-type series with a touch of action and shoujo ai, Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road presents an interesting world story. There is a lot of false and hidden information in this story. One that was clear from the start was the name of the church to which Menou devoted himself. Faust is the name of a character in a classic story who once tried to manipulate the world. The battle action scenes are also plentiful and well animated.

This anime probably won't be too popular to get a second season. Until the latest episode is confirmed to adapt the second volume LN. The official English translation at the time of writing this review has reached its fourth volume. Meanwhile, in Japan, seven volumes have been published.


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